Friday, July 22, 2011

My Feature Friday at The D.A.D Project!

Happy Friday everyone!

About a month ago, the D.A.D. (Drawing a Day) Project posted a message on the Toronto Etsy Street Team message board.    They were looking for donations to feature/sell, with  proceeds going directly to the Canadian Cancer Society.  Serena and her sister Emily take turns doing a Drawing A Day (D.A.D.) and sell prints of these where $10 per print goes to the Canadian Cancer Society. The project is a tribute to their Dad, who passed away from colon cancer last October.

As I have lost several family members due to cancer, I jumped on board and sent Serena a donation for this worthy cause.   (Serena is so nice and wonderful to work with!!).  I donated one of my Toy Leashes (see picture at the bottom of the page) which is now available for sale in the D.A.D. Project online shop.

You can find my Feature Friday donation on their website and on their Facebook page.
Please visit their ETSY shop too!

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