Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Bunny! (Party #1)

Happy 1st Birthday to Baby Bunny!

You can only have one first birthday party so we ended up having 2 for baby bunny.  Our bungalow is too small for all of our friends/family and little kids so we split up our parties.

The first party was for our friends with kiddies.  We had an outdoor party.  Probably wouldn't have been able to function inside with 19 adults and 12 babies/toddlers.

This is the sign hubby made to direct folks to the backyard.  M + 1 + left arrow.  Says it all.

I made some pom poms for the fence because balloons were making baby bunny crazy.

Also I love making these and needed one more excuse to make more poms.  

Gotta love Martha Stewart!
Click here for the instructions


We made little loot bags for the kids.  Although we used blue and pink bags, the contents were pretty much the same:  Treats:  Goldfish pack, Dora or Cars fruit jube jubes Toys:  Slinky, skateboard, bouncy ball, bubbles, sunglasses, and stickers


Babies got little food jars and some babies also got Sophie Toy Leashes

Here is a picture of the cake.  Hubby and I gave ourselves a mini heart attack the night before.   We didn't bother pre-ordering a cake since the store across the street ALWAYS has a bunch of cakes available.  Well, the night before the party, we discover that ALL of the cakes are gone.  So that meant driving around at 9pm with the poor kiddies in the backseat.  

By the time it was all over, Baby Bunny just wanted to play with more balloons.  He had no clue it was his birthday

What worked:
- Having it outdoors made it so much easier 
- Lots of balls and toys to keep the kids occupied
- Easy to eat foods (pizza, pasta salad, subs, veggies, fruit) and self serve drinks in the cooler

What didn't work:
- The recycling station.  We had 3 boxes:  1 for food waste, 1 for cans/plates, 1 for garbage.  All 3 boxes looked the same by end of night.  Oh well, can't say we didn't try!
- We didn't take many pictures!  Next time we will designate a photographer to help us out.  Correction - hubby says we are never going to have another party with that many parents and kids.
- Even though we had a lot of food, I forgot to put out dip and some extra treats.  Oh and I should have had some crackers for the kiddies while they waited for the pizza.  I threw a couple of bags of chips on the picnic table instead since I figured this would be payback for all the times Cheeky Monkey got junk food.

All in all, a fabulous day.  Kids napped so that made a huge difference.  Cheeky Monkey woke up after the guests arrived but he didn't kick up a fuss.  Baby Bunny woke up right before the 1st guest so he was in a good mood.  

The next morning, the kids fought over this toy and many others...

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